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Dear listeners,
As 2025 begins, I want to extend my warmest wishes for happiness, health, and success. This new year is the perfect opportunity to thank you for your loyalty and support throughout 2024 and all the past years.
Since creating Slowly Radio in 2014, I’ve been managing every aspect of the station alone: from crafting playlists to technical management, broadcasting, and maintaining the website. This adventure would not be possible without you, listeners from around the world, who share my passion for soft music, timeless slow songs, and tracks that resonate with our emotions.
Throughout 2024, your listening, messages, and encouragement have motivated me to keep improving Slowly Radio. Your suggestions and feedback are a true source of inspiration.
The past year has seen significant growth:
The number of unique listeners increased by 27%.
Total listening sessions grew by 44%.
Slowly Radio was listened to in 227 countries, with France (16%) and Germany (4.7%) leading the way, followed by Belgium, Spain, Poland, Brazil, Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, and the Philippines. These numbers reflect the extent of our community and the value of your support.
These numbers reflect the breadth of the Slowly Radio community and show how essential your support is.
This year promises to bring plenty of new developments. I’m already working on new playlists and thematic shows to better meet your expectations. Replacing reworked music files for improved quality is also underway, along with enhanced audio processing for optimal listening comfort.
The Slowly Radio blog will also serve as a space to share news, musical anecdotes, and my personal favorites. I’ll add artist biographies and specific playlist suggestions, such as those dedicated to slow songs from various countries or mixes of timeless love songs. This will allow us to discover even more musical treasures and broaden the horizons of our community.
In 2025, I hope to go further by inviting those who share the Slowly Radio philosophy to contribute to the blog. Are you passionate about the slow life, the slow attitude, or soft music?
Would you like to write about your favorite artists, create biographies, share stories, or suggest thematic playlists? Your contributions could enrich our world and further reflect the values of Slowly Radio.
These collaborations could also be an opportunity to explore local slow songs worldwide, thanks to enthusiasts who live within these musical cultures. This could become a wonderful collective adventure, so stay tuned for more details!
If you’d like to thank me for my work, feel free to use the dedications section. These messages are not only a source of motivation for me, but they also create a unique bond between you, the listeners, and Slowly Radio. Every dedication strengthens this close-knit community that shares the same values of relaxation, emotion, and love for soft music. It’s also the perfect opportunity to leave a heartfelt message for a loved one and to participate in the magic of this radio that brings us all together. It’s a simple and free way to leave a message, whether for me or for someone close to you.
Your support is essential. Share Slowly Radio with your loved ones, leave your feedback, or subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated with the latest news.
Together, let’s make 2025 a memorable year filled with beautiful musical discoveries and moments of relaxation.
Thank you for being here and for making Slowly Radio a unique station.
With all my gratitude and best wishes,
Claudy, founder of Slowly Radio
Written by: Slowly Radio
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Slowly Radio, the favorite station for enthusiasts of ‘slow music,’ a tranquil genre that will transport you to a world of musical serenity! Explore the History and Vision of Slowly Radio.
© 2025 Slowly Radio™ : We Love Slow Music !
eterna vision and aesthetics on 6 January 2025
Happy New Year 2025! 🎉 Thank you for all the wonderful support throughout the past year! 🙏 Wishing everyone a year filled with success, happiness, and amazing moments. 🌟 Let’s continue this journey together with positivity and great vibes! 😊 Cheers to new beginnings! 🥂✨”